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High Quality Cranberry Extract 10% Proanthocyanidins

  • LZA1

  • Longze

  • 1302199099

  • Herbal Extract

  • Root

  • 5:1,10:1 Ginsenosides 80% HPLC

  • Root

  • The standard package is 25kg/drum with two plastic-bags inside


Cranberry Fruit Powder Description

Product Name: Cranberry Fruit Powder
Plant Origin: Vacinium Macrocarpon
Part Used: Fruit
Apperance: Puple red fine powder
Specification: 8%, 10%, 15%, 25%, Proanthocyanidins (PAC)
10%, 15%, 25% 30%, 50%Anthocyanidins UV, Extract Ratio: 5: 1 10: 1, 20: 1
Appearance: Fine powder
Color: Purple red to black purple
Molecular formula: C27H31O16
Extract method : Grain alcohol
Solubility: Soluble in water and ethanol
Safety evaluation: innocuous
Product name
Cranberry fruit extract
Latin name
Vaccinium Macrocarpon
Purple red fine powder
Fruit powder,5:1,10:1,20:1
5-25% anthocyanidins
5%-30% proanthocyanidins
30% organic acid
Part used
Custom package
Shelf life
3 years

What's the cranberry fruit extract?

Cranberry is a kind of skin and flesh are bright red, growth in the short vine small round berry . Evergreen shrubs, erect or
scandent, rare collars, 2 -- 5 meters high. Less branched, branches slender, branches glabrous, LaoZhi puce, raised lenticels. Leaves scattered, leaves leathery, oblong or ovate, long 14-21 cm long, 4.5 8.5 cm wide, apex acuminate or short tail, base rounded and slightly concave into shallow heart, side to pay the entire, not revolute, when surface sage green, glabrous, brown on the back, bulk raw v with glandular hair, midrib in two sides ridges, lateral veins 9-12 pairs, rise to edge network knot, slightly protuberant or slightly subsidence at the surface, bulging in the back, both sides net vein in slightly raised; Petiole short, stout rounded, ventral surfaces without grooves, 3-6 mm long, no hair.
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